Monday, August 27, 2012

Questions about Auditions?

Questions about Auditions?

What to wear to the audition:

Comfortable dance clothes

What to bring:

You're not responsible for bringing anything with you; we will have a sign in sheet and will give you a number to wear for your audition

How long will the audition take?

Theoretically, the audition could go until 10pm. We will make a few cuts throughout the night

When will I know if I have or haven't made the team?

All decisions regarding who has been accepted as a member will be made Tuesday night

Do I need to have any choreography prepared?

Not necessarily. There is a section where you can freestyle in the dance you will learn but if you feel more comfortable preparing something or a least an idea, you are welcome to do so.

Any other questions, email

Thursday, August 23, 2012


2012-2013 Auditions!!!

Please join us on Tuesday August 28 
at 6:45pm
 at the Hashinger Hall Dance Studio 
for our 
2012-2013 Auditions!!

All styles of dance are welcome to audition

At the audition, you will learn a combination and will have an opportunity to showcase your own personal style during a freestyle section of the routine. 

Should you make it through the first round of the audition, you will participate in an interview with the president and vice presidents as part of the audition.

All decision about new members will be made on TUESDAY, so you will know by the time you leave the audition if you have been accepted to the team or not.

Should you have any questions, please email us at


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Unity News!

The 2012-2013 Season Is Upon Us!

Unity Dance Crew is ready to get back 
in action after the summer off!

We are looking to recruit new members, so keep an eye out for auditions!

We will post information about the auditions on the blog, 
our Twitter (@UnityDanceCrew) and on Facebook. 

If you'd like to be added to our email list letting you know 
about auditions, clinics, performances, and other events, 
send us an email to

Check back soon for more updates!